Thursday 24 January 2013

Leading London 'no win no fee' accident and injury solicitors urge employers to follow best practice in 2013

Work-related accidents and injuries show no sign of significantly decreasing over the coming 12-months, according to Leading London 'no win, no fee' accident and injury solicitors, 1st Injury Claims. To help employers minimise risks and keep compensation claim costs low, the leading no win, no fee solicitors firm has put together six top tips to help ensure best health and safety practice in the workplace.

1. Always alert employees and visitors to potential risks as early and clearly as possible. Erect signs next to a recently mopped floor or spillage or cordon off the area if possible. Give clear visual and audio warnings of any holes in the ground, reversing vehicles or unexpected trip hazards.

2. Make sure everyone involved in jobs carrying heightened risks of injury or accidents receive the correct training and are clear about their tasks, targets and operating instructions. Have manuals and other accompanying paperwork to hand when working with heavy or dangerous machinery and make sure everyone involved in the job has been shown how to use the equipment safely.

3. Provide workers with the right protective equipment and clothing to do the job. Hard hats and protective jackets on construction sites are obvious examples.
4. Don’t forget to consider the needs of other types of workers too. Office workers might need the correct ergonomic support to prevent backaches, while people working in a noisy environment should be offered ear defenders to protect their hearing.
5. Pay special attention to pregnant employees. They may have extra needs that can be identified during a risk assessment that will help prevent injury and discomfort to them and/or their unborn child.

6. Watch out for trailing electrical appliance flexes, hot drinks that can be knocked off the corners of desks and other potential hazards that seem less dangerous, but could cause a nasty accident at work.

Mr. Kamran Arif of 1st Injury Claims says, “Accidents and injuries at work often happen when they are least expected and the longer-term consequences can be devastating. Common sense and planning ahead can eliminate many potential hazards, although no one can stop all accidents from happening.

"If you have been injured at work and it wasn’t your fault, call our team of 'no win, no fee' accident and injury solicitors on telephone 0208 5282 999 to find out about making a claim for compensation after an accident at work.”

1st Injury Claims was established in 2002 as a personal accident and injury claims company. Areas covered by the firm include road traffic accidents involving cars, bicycles, motorbikes pedestrians, as well as holiday accidents, sports injuries, accidents at work and injuries sustained through medical negligence or housing disrepair.
Based in London, the company has handpicked a panel of expert professional personal injury solicitors to bring a bespoke, ‘no-win, no fee’ service to thousands of satisfied customers across the UK.
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